Simple Present Tense – Speech Activity

When people meet each other for the first time, they introduce themselves to the others by providing information about their current situation and about what they are doing right now. Usually they use the following two Tenses and sentence patterns.

Simple Present Tense

  • I am Roy. - am = the verb “be” is used here
  • I work at ABC Company Ltd. – work = Simple Present Plural Action verb

Present Continuous Tense

  • I am working as a project manager there – am working

Note: All the Present Tense verbs used in this conversation are underlined. (Both Simple Present Tense and Present Continuous Tense verbs are used here.)

A : Hello! Good evening! , I am Roy from India.
B : Hello! I’m Ritu , well, It's so nice to get to know new friends.
This is my first time learning English online. It’s really convenient to learn from home isn’t it?
A : Yes, it is…Why do you really want to learn English?
B : I want to become fluent in English so that I can perform well at the office. / It helps me in my higher education / simply because I love it.
B : How do you spend your free time?
A: I’m a movie lover.
B: I love to spend time learning new things.
A: In my free time, I enjoy going out with friends.
B: I also enjoy watching movies, reading, working out, and going on trips.
A: I have a violin and I enjoy playing it as well.
B: I look forward to learning more about my new friends here as well..
  • I’m a banker. I work for the Bank of India.
  • I’m a teacher at an International School. Option 03 - I’m a nurse at a private hospital.
  • I currently work at ABC Company Ltd. It’s a shoe manufacturing company. I’m an accountant there.
  • Right now I’m working as a Project Manager at ABC Company Ltd.
  • I’m currently reading for my MBA.
  • I’m a student at 1000Seeds English Academy.
  • What do you do?
  • So, I would like to know about you…
  • So, what’s your story?
  • I’m eager to learn English. So I joined this class. How about you?

50 Simple Present Tense Sentences in English


Present Simple Tense in English

Present Simple is the tense that helps us talk about what we usually do....

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Reported Speech

Reported Speech is a language pattern used to report to someone of what another person has said or thought.

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